
Useful Information
Telephone numbers - Code Country: 34
Tourist information
TURESPAÑA 900 300 600
Provincial Tourism Agency
Avda. de la Aurora, Edf. Múltiples
Tlf: 952 347300
Tourist Information Municipal office
Plaza de la Marina
Tlf: 952 213445
Fax: 952 229421
Tourist Information Office Junta de Andalucia
Aeropuerto de Málaga
Tlf: 952 048484 Ext: 586
Fax: 952 048535
Tourist Information Municipal office
Avda. de Cervantes, 1 Pº del Parque
Tlf: 952 604410
Fax: 952 214120
Hotel information and Online bookings
Public Transport
Aiport of Málaga
Avenida García Morato s/n
Bus Station
Paseo de los Tilos s/n.
Tlf: 952 35 00 61
Station of Train
Explanada de la Estación, s/n.
Tel 952 36 02 02
Times: 06:10 h a 23:00 h.
Private Transport
Rent a car
Málaga Airport Taxis
Cheap flights
Find Málaga flight deals
Healt and security
Civil Defense
Huerto de Monjas, 19
Tlf: 952 126650
Fax: 952 217332
Fire extinguishing
Paseo de Martiricos, 12.
Tlf: 952 126600
Emergencies: 080
Fax: 952 126110
Local Police
Avenida de la Rosaleda, 19
Tlf: 952 126500
Emergencies: 092
Fax: 952 126561
Red Cross
Telephone: 952 222222
Public Hospital
Hospital Clínico Virgen de la Victoria
Campus Universitario Teatinos
Tlf: 951032000
Hospital Carlos Haya
Avda. Carlos Haya, s/n
Tlf: 952390400
Hospital Materno Infantil
Arroyo de los Ángeles, s/n
Tlf: 952304400
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Disclaimer: We've tried to make the information on this web site as accurate as possible, but it is provided 'as is' and we accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from this information.
Malagainformation.com is a website owned by the Spanish company Spanish & Internship Consultant S.L. Calle Miguel Bueno Lara, 8, 6-3. info@malagainformation.com, which is listed in the official Business Registry of Malaga (Registro Mercantil) with the following Cif and registration numbers (Cif B92896588, Tomo 4437, Libro 3346, Folio 40). |